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Michael Messmer Coach and Mentor EFT Tapping Energy Psychology
Wisdom Coach & Mentor
personal ● business ● relationship
Create Your Life From Intention
Coach & Mentor
personal ● business ● relationship
EFT Tapping ● Coaching ● Pittsburgh Pa ● Sewickley Pa ● Virtual
"Let Go Of The Story That Holds You Back
Create Your Life From Intention"

Self Doubt, Fear, and Habitual Thinking
May be Holding You Back
Self doubt, fear, and sabotaging habits are often accepted as part of your everyday life.
You may think these 3 menaces of living
are difficult to overcome. 

The conversation in your mind may reflect statements like these:
➣ I put others needs ahead of my own

➣ I put off doing things I know I should

➣ I want to experience fulfilling relationships

➣ I want to start a business but...

➣ I feel stuck and I'm not getting anywhere

➣ I am angry and frustrated

➣ I don't know how to speak up for myself

➣ I am to afraid to start...

➣ My business/career aren't going anywhere

➣ It's too late to start something new

Are any of these emotions dragging you around?
➣ Shame/Humiliation

➣ Guilt/Blame

➣ Apathy

➣ Grief/Regret

➣ Fear/Anxiousness

➣ Anger

Self Doubt, Fear, and
Habitual Thinking May be
Holding You Back
Self doubt, fear, and sabotaging habits are often accepted as part of your everyday life.
You may think these
3 menaces of living are
difficult to overcome. 

The conversation in your
mind may reflect
statements like these:

➣ I put others needs
ahead of my own

➣ I put off doing things
I know I should

➣ I want to experience
fulfilling relationships

➣ I want to start a
business but...

➣ I feel stuck and I'm not
getting anywhere

➣ I am angry
and frustrated

➣ I don't know how to
speak up for myself

➣ I am to afraid to start...

➣ I am stuck in my

➣ It's too late to start something new

Are any of these emotions
dragging you around?
➣ Shame/Humiliation

➣ Guilt/Blame

➣ Apathy

➣ Grief/Regret

➣ Fear/Anxiousness

➣ Anger

If your life experience includes struggling with the above problems, know this:
Yes. There Is Good News!
You can shift your perspective and shed these habitual ways of being through coaching. 
The truth. Everyone faces a set of struggles that holds them back in one or more areas of their life. 
Most of those struggles are being caught in habitual thinking.
The good news is your brain is flexible and you can develop new patterns of helpful thinking that opens you up to opportunity you may not have seen before.
What are the results?
➣ Clarity and Wisdom
➣ Meeting your needs
➣ Better/easier decisions
➣ More fulfilling relationships
➣ Freedom from the old story you've been carrying around
➣ Getting unstuck
➣ Joy, peace, safety
➣ Confidence to speak your truth
➣ Readiness to start, motivation to keep going

If your life experience includes struggling with the above problems, know this:
Yes. There Is Good News!
You can shift your perspective and shed these habitual ways of being through coaching. 
The truth. Everyone faces a set of struggles that holds them back in one or more areas of their life. 
Most of those struggles are being caught in habitual thinking.
The good news is your brain is flexible and you can develop new patterns of helpful thinking that opens you up to opportunity you may not have seen before.
What are the results?
➣ Clarity and Wisdom

➣ Meeting your needs

➣ Better/easier decisions

➣ More fulfilling relationships

➣ Freedom from the old story you've been carrying around

➣ Getting unstuck

➣ Joy, peace, safety

➣ Confidence to speak
your truth

➣ Readiness to start, motivation to keep going

How Do I Get Started?
Getting started is easy. Click the Engage button to schedule a time for you and I to talk. 
How Do I Get Started?
Getting started is easy. Click the Engage button to schedule a time for you and I to talk. 
Hear from Dr. Brandie Keates:
Michael is a gem. His kind presence allows for awareness and space to illuminate the answers within yourself as you become more conscious, more aware and let go of anxiousness. His deep kindness and humor provide a safe haven for unfolding on your journey to personal improvement and enlightenment. A gifted guide and leader, his caring is palpable and rare. 
Hear from Dr. Brandie Keates:
Michael is a gem. His kind presence allows for awareness and space to illuminate the answers within yourself as you become more conscious, more aware and let go of anxiousness. His deep kindness and humor provide a safe haven for unfolding on your journey to personal improvement and enlightenment. A gifted guide and leader, his caring is palpable and rare. 
➢   Start where you are.
➢   Tear down your walls.
➢   Create your life from intention.
➢   Start where you are.
➢   Tear down your walls.
➢   Create your life from
Not Ready To Talk?
Try this easy EFT Tapping video
to relieve stress, racing thoughts and body discomfort
Click Here To Breathe

Your Information: Kept Private, Never Shared, Never Sold

"When you go beyond the story that lives in your head, that’s when you soar, right from creation" - Michael Messmer
Wisdom Mentoring and Coaching - Pittsburgh, PA - Sewickley, PA - Virtual
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Copyright 2022 Michael Messmer Coaching Pittsburgh, PA - Sewickley Pa
"When you go beyond the story that lives in your head, that’s when you soar, right from creation" - Michael Messmer
EFT Tapping Coach - Pittsburgh, PA - Sewickley, PA - Virtual
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Copyright 2022 Michael Messmer Coaching Pittsburgh, PA - Sewickley Pa