Michael Messmer
Coaching from Wisdom
Start a Wisdom Conversation
Your Wisdom is your key to living, success, health, and relationships. 
From insight, you see your wisdom that comes straight from your heart
Usually seen as the center of feeling, it is actually your guide to life
Love, Peace, and Joy
Available to you beyond thought, language, and the story you have been living
What You Can See
By placing your attention on your being:
problems drop away
solutions arise
connections are made

Who you are
Yes, you are human.
You are also the universe in human form.
You are connected to everything you can and cannot see. You are Wisdom, Love, Peace, Joy. You are a miracle and you create your impact in the world.

The Coaching Process
Coaching is about growth. To become who you can be, you must let go of who you have been
Are we a good fit to work together? We'll start with a conversation to explore what you hope to create in your life. This may include relationships, health, business, finances, or all.
If we agree that working together makes sense, we can start a year long coaching agreement.
During that year, we'll deeply dive into who you have been and co-create who you are being.
I will gladly do my part, showing up, listening, sharing, and guiding.
You agree to do your part. The work as it comes forward may be the most challenging work you've ever done on yourself. Here's the thing: I trust that you can do this.
The work may include energy work, insight work, and change work.
If you want to be somewhere you haven't been, you must get up and leave the place you are now.
Most importantly, you'll answer this question: "To create the best possible version of myself, who do I need to be?"
Start a Wisdom Conversation
Hello! I'm Michael Messmer and here are a few things to know about me.
I grew up near Pittsburgh in the 1970s and moved back in 2019.

I'm a dad and a grandfather.

Zen Buddhism became my practice in 2009. It has shaped who I am being and how I work as a coach.

Before becoming a coach, I had a 29+ year career in information technology.

My coaching career began in 2011 near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Coaching, listening, and guiding you to discover your true self so you shape your life from who you are being, is not just what I do; it's who I am.

I've come to see that loving yourself goes way beyond thinking and doing. It arises directly from who you are being.

I fully trust that you are a powerful creator beyond what you currently think! 
Start a Wisdom Conversation
 Michael is a gem. His kind presence allows for awareness and space to illuminate the answers within yourself as you become more conscious, more aware and let go of anxiousness. His deep kindness and humor provide a safe haven for unfolding on your journey to personal improvement and enlightenment. A gifted guide and leader, his caring is palpable and rare.

Brandie Elizabeth Keates
Founder/CEO, Experience Chiropractic
Clinical Director, Bloom at Experience
Developer, The Bloom Philosophy 

 "An opportunity to work with Michael should not be missed.  If you've landed on his page and you are reading this testimonial it's no accident.  Michael leads from the heart and is very intuitive and deliberate when working with his clients.  Micheal is warm, compassionate, and understanding.  He sees you beyond your story and beliefs.

He holds a non-judgmental beautiful space as he helps his clients transform a new way of seeing themselves from the inside out.  Michael helps to point his clients to their true spiritual nature where they gain a sense of freedom they've never had as they connect to their inner power.  Igniting truth lighting the way to flourish in all areas of life."

Lynn Capsalors 
 "Working with Michael exceeded expectations, and I already had high hopes going in. He's an extremely skilled practitioner who assessed my needs with compassion and perceptiveness, and was able to hold a space where I could feel, process and release any emotions that came up without feeling judged. Michael was not afraid to challenge me but did so in a kind, sensitive way. He approaches each issue with a fresh set of eyes, a deep well of wisdom, and seems to genuinely seek the best and most sustainable resolution to any situation. I recommend working with Michael."

Adam Rhoades 
“Before I coached with Michael, negative intrusive thoughts invaded my mind. I rarely smiled and I was down on myself for letting so much of my life go by without doing something. Using the techniques I learned by coaching with Michael turned my life around. Negative thoughts are diminished and when they do pop up they no longer bring me down. And my co-workers have told me that I smile a lot more too.”

David D
"When you go beyond the story that lives in your unconscious, that’s when you soar, right from creation" - Michael Messmer
Start a Wisdom Conversation
The information, products, and services offered on this website or any affiliated websites are not to be construed in any way as a medical diagnosis, treatment, or cure. The information, products, and services offered here are informational and educational in nature. If you are experiencing a medical issue see your doctor. If it is a medical emergency, call for help.
This website, information, products and services are the copyright of Michael Messmer © 2024